Thursday, March 27, 2014

I've Had It!!

Well, as the semester comes to a close, most of my heavy work has been finished and I have a lot of time on my hands during my free periods.  Because of this, expect more updates and complaints from me as my kids become more unpredictable and lazy.

Everyone on campus - students, teachers, and administration - are looking forward to the end of the school year.  We have been anxious, well, since the beginning of the school year pretty much.  However, especially now that spring (autumn) break is fast approaching, many holidays, and the end of the school year is in sight, people are more anxious and less studious.  My patience has worn through and my tolerance for my kid's laziness has reached it's highest.

It helps that the only assignments my kids have left are 3 speeches and a research paper.  Note to other English teachers: if you ever want to see kids cry, do a unit on public speaking.  I have had 2 of my 9th grade girls bawling because they did not want to stand in front of their class to give a 3-5 minute speech.  It doesn't matter that they know every single one of their classmates or that they are fine speaking from their seat (while I'm speaking, I might add), put them in front of the class and they are terrified.  Granted, not everyone likes speaking in front of people...heck, I don't and look what profession I landed in!  However, it has been an experience trying to calm my students down enough to be able to speak in front of the class.

The kids at this point have been looking forward to break, which is in two weeks, so their minds have not been focusing on their work.  I've reached the point now, where I am not going to worry if they don't pay attention while I'm speaking.  Granted, I prefer not to have to yell over their own conversations, but if they want to miss important information that I am telling them...well, it's their grade, not mine.  They have had me long enough to know that they need to not talk when I'm talking, to sit in their seats, to pay attention.  However, they don't.  It doesn't matter how much I threaten or discipline them, they don't learn!!  Well, now it's up to them to do their part.  I do my part, they need to do theirs.

#hadit  #overitall  #canigohomeyet

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