So I realize it has been a little while since I last wrote, and I apologize. My computer has not been very cooperative with the wifi the past few days.
Tonight is the high school open house...eek! Never had an open house before, so I'm a little nervous as to what to expect. Most of the teachers said not a lot of parents show anyways, so it'll be more time to do grading and other work. Whew...hopefully, I'll be off the hook. However, I should be prepared if parents do show up. My walls look colorful. I'm displaying some of the student's work. And hopefully, I'm prepared for any questions they have.
I think lately, my students have been respecting me more, which has been really nice! My 9th grade classes have simmered down, although there's still a few who try shenanigans. Oh, so my last blog I had written about the three mark rule. Well, last week, both my 9th grade classes received three marks and had to come on break to write sentences. I crammed almost 40 kids in my class and made them write 20 sentences on being respectful. Some of them complained because it wasn't the whole class, so I said that repeat offenders would do their sentences on their own from now on and the entire class wouldn't be punished. Since then, they haven't had to write anything!
I did have to talk to one kid about his behavior yesterday, though. He is a big jokester and loves being the center of attention. Other teachers have also had difficult with him, so the principal suggested calling his mother. Since then, he's been an angel! He even apologized for acting up in class. Let me just say that mothers who believe the teachers over their kids are few and far between, but are the most amazing people to a teacher!!
I also had to deal with a punk today who came purposely late to class. I told him he had to come back to my room after school, before soccer practice, to write sentences. He didn't show, and if the soccer coach tells me he did end up going to practice, he's gonna be in hot water tomorrow! The attitudes of these kids are amazing...they think they can get away with anything. Little do they know....
As for other social events in my life since my last blog, there's been small get together's and other outings. It's been fun getting to explore Cochabamba and getting to hang out with the other teachers outside of school. I've also enjoyed getting to know some of the elementary teachers, too. We now have a "group," as we call ourselves. It's been a lot of fun, and I'm so glad I've been able to make these friendships.
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